Erasmus Days 2022

Erasmus days at Gimnazija Jurija Vege Idrija  
We hosted students from Reunion and prepared different activities for them.
And they prepared an exhibition about their island and its mostly vulcanic rocks.
True Erasmus spirit.
Erasmus days at NEG "Goethe" - Burgas, Bulgaria
During the traditional week, dedicated to the Erasmus + programme, teachers from the German Language School presented to the Headmaster of the Regional educational inspectorate in Burgas - Petya Petrova, and deputy principals from District Burgas the project activities of the school.
Mr. Beloreshki, Mrs. Vasileva and Mrs. Gizdova presented materials and gave interesting information about the projects the school has been working on for the last three years - "The Bread Way", "The Future of our Europe" and "R4 - Making a difference". The teaching team is proud of its achievements in this field, as well as of the commitment and involvement of its students, and believes that Erasmus+ work fits extremely well into students' lives, enriches them with experience and knowledge, and brings unique emotions and experiences to its participants.

Erasmus days at Herbsy Gymnasium, Sweden
We have prepared an exhibition on school about Erasmus projects and activities!


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Erasmus+ KA2 Steps2030World

Po znanje angleščine v Dublin

Praksa v Nemčiji - 3m, Kolektor Conttek v Pforzheimu, april 24