Erasmus+ KA2 Steps2030World
Erasmus+ KA2 Steps2030World
Interdisciplinary subject “water”
The GJV Idrija students of the interdisciplinary subject “water” made a trip to the karst region Planinsko polje in Planina cave. They took a look at the world-famous karst phenomena. The emphasis was on water in karst caves: water flow, pollution and cave’s biology. Students were able to do some water research, guiding by dr. Metka Petrič. They also visited Institute for karst in Postojna.
On January 31th 2020, Gimnazija Jurija Vege Idrija, celebrated Slovenian cultural day with important event “Cultural marathon”. The whole day was dedicated to culture in a wide way of the word’s meaning. There were many workshops; from climate change to art, from psychology to cookery.
Steps2030World Erasmus+ team prepared an interview with two wonderful women: volunteer Irma Šinkovec and writer Sonja Porle. They both were in Africa several times, in Uganda, Mali, Burkina Faso and they both talked about their view on Africa and its people. They can describe African day life and its people so beautifully and positive as nobody else. The discussion about women rights in several countries was also present. Irma Šinkovec told us about primary school work in the village, she was settled in. She helped, that a child book with local language was published. Sonja Porle is in love to African music, her passion is contagious.
Oskrba z vodo v Afriki
Na Gimnaziji Jurija Vege Idrija nadaljujemo z aktivnostmi Erasmus+ projekta Steps2030World! Tokrat so se dijaki 2. letnika (pri urah geografije) spopadli s problemom oskrbe z vodo v Afriki. Vsaka skupina je dobila en problem, ki ga je morala rešiti in prikazati z modelom, ki so ga izdelali iz različnih materialov. Problemi so resnični:
- napeljava pitne vode do vasi v Zambiji,
- presihanje Čadskega jezera,
- vzpostavitev varčnega sistema namakanja polj iz Nigra,
- omogočiti črpanje podtalnice v polsušnih območjih
- zagotoviti Cape Townu dovolj pitne vode.
Vsaka skupina je morala z denarjem, ki ga je imela na razpolago, kupiti surovine za izdelavo modela, pri tem, da niso vsi dobile vse skupine enakega zneska ( bogatejše in revnejše države). Nastale so zanimive rešitve, katere smo povezali z možnostmi uresničitve v realnosti.
Vint Ceramic Art | TITNIA & TECHNOLOGY
OdgovoriIzbrišiExplore an all new “Vint septcasino Ceramic septcasino Art” project 출장샵 on TITNIA & TECHNOLOGY. Our team of sculptors and artists have created new and titanium earrings